Happy Cruelty Day!: Daily Celebrations of Quiet Desperation
By Bob Powers
Thomas Dunne Books
Sometimes, we need things to celebrate. Sometimes, we need things to do. Sometimes, we need a specific day to lie to our cats about the crucifixion of Jesus (it's February 15th, just in case you were curious). For all of these things, I highly recommend this book.
The genre of books that also serve as a calendar of sorts is in no way a new entrant into the market. Most are flowery and inspirational. Some are funny...sort of. Happy Cruelty Day! is something completely different. Its more a collection of bizarre, completely twisted stories than a calendar telling you how you should spend your day. Sure, everyone will want to participate in "Backrub Train Day" (October 4th) or "Outlet Shopping Day" (March 15th) or even "Be a Hero Day" (September 22), but who really wants to participate in "The Girl of Your Dreams has been Kidnapped Day" (July 14th) or "Indadvertantly Steal from a Drug Kingpin Day" (March 5)? You may not want to do these things, but reading about them is a great way to pass some time. The stories are well written and creative to the point of absurd, but it will definitely serve to put a smile (or possibly a grimace) on your face if you are having a bad day.